Who Dat? Ludacris
swept through New Orleans to motivate African Americans to fill out and mail back their 2010 Census form. He hit WQUE radio station to talk to listeners who may not have responded to the Census yet. Ludacris gave shout outs from his van to surprised fans on his way to the New Orleans main post office. By the time he visited a home on Mirtha Street, word had spread about his visit and fans looked on as he knocked on doors and toured formerly Katrina ravaged areas that are now on the mend but still in need of revitalization. “I hope people in this neighborhood know that resources from the Census will go toward rebuilding New Orleans,” Luda tells his guide Gretchen Bradford, a homeowner on the block. “I am counting on you to spread the word to people in the community,” said Ludacris.
It’s not too late to send your census form back. If you haven’t, be sure you do it today.
In the meantime, stay tuned to The Luda On The Block tour stop videos in Dallas, New Orleans, New York City, Washington DC, and Atlanta from March to April. Click here to view the ongoing 5 webisode series. Get an up close, personal view of what some naysayers and other resisters really think about the Census. To know when Ludacris will be on your block, follow him at twitter.com/ludajuice. To learn how you can motivate the people around you to fill out their forms and mail them in today, please visit: http://www.2010census.gov/.
It’s not too late to send your census form back. If you haven’t, be sure you do it today.
In the meantime, stay tuned to The Luda On The Block tour stop videos in Dallas, New Orleans, New York City, Washington DC, and Atlanta from March to April. Click here to view the ongoing 5 webisode series. Get an up close, personal view of what some naysayers and other resisters really think about the Census. To know when Ludacris will be on your block, follow him at twitter.com/ludajuice. To learn how you can motivate the people around you to fill out their forms and mail them in today, please visit: http://www.2010census.gov/.

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